It’s baffling to me that it’s already March 12th! Where did February and the beginning of this month go?! But regardless, it’s quite time to look at last month’s goals and at what I’m aiming for this month!
February was full of a lot of wonderfulness. Like the Superbowl, Valentine’s Day, getting to model for Katelyn’s workshop, getting my yellow KitchenAid mixer, meeting my brother’s girlfriend, finishing all the Oscar-nominated films before the Oscars happened, rock-climbing with Aaron, the February Photo Challenge, finally buying Aaron close-toed shoes, reading a great & convicting book
, vacationing in Florida while seeing Watson family, getting new favorite earrings, and having my parents come visit! Is that jam-packed with goodness or what?!
Here’s what February ended up looking like:
– Workout 2-3 days a week (this didn’t happen on vacation…)
– Keep drinking at least 3 glasses of water a day
– Study another book of the Bible
– Really have coffee with one new friend (I’m counting dinner with a new friend as being close enough! ;)
– Skype with another far away friend
– Sort through clothes (Made progress, but not done)
– Make list of DIY projects to (hopefully) accomplish this year from YHL’s book
– Finish seeing nominated films before the Oscars
– Successfully accomplish the February Photo Challenge!
– Finish ALL album designs (My online album design program has had a little glitch, so this has been on hold until that’s fixed)
– Order new iMac
– Begin working on Welcome Packet
– Total mileage for 2012
– Start sorting 2012 receipts
– Submit 3 weddings
– Create monthly task list/”duty day”
– Order prints/photo wire
– Update workflow board for 2013
Not bad, but not as complete as I would have liked – especially with the album designing and wedding-submitting. So, here’s to filling those gaps in March!
– Keep drinking 2-3 big glasses of water a day
– Workout 3-4 times a week
– Finish The Hole In Our Holiness
– Write 2-3 handwritten letters
– Finish sorting through clothes & sell/get rid-of
– Try 2 new recipes
– Look into custom iPhone case
– Finish ALL album designs!
– Order new iMac!
– Submit 3 weddings!
– Create monthly task list/”duty day”!
– Think more about Welcome Packet design
– Catch up on Mileage log for 2013
– Complete all tax info for accountant
– Look into helpful apps for business use
So there we go! What was your favorite thing about February, and what’s the top thing you’re hoping to accomplish in March? I hope it’s a happy and productive month for all of you! :)