hi, i'm tori!


I'm a self-proclaimed sentimentalist who believes in photography that evokes emotion, looks effortless, and feels real. Here on my blog, you'll find my work, my outfit inspiration, goals, and more. I'm glad you're here!


for the sentimentally inclined.

stylish Wedding & lifestyle imagery

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The Beginning of My Journey


I’m really honored to have had a personal piece about the beginning of my photographic journey published on the Delight {& be} blog, yesterday, and I wanted to share it here, today. If you’re not familiar with Delight, it’s an incredible retreat/blog/community, founded by my sweet friend Kristin, for young ladies who are pursuing creative arts (photography, design, music, fashion, etc) and the Lord. It’s a place for them to be encouraged by each other, and occasionally by some of us who are a little farther down the path than they are. It’s been a true joy to get to be involved with it even just in some small ways. So, when Kristin asked for some blog contributors, I knew it was the perfect platform to share a little bit about how I first started pursuing photography, because I almost didn’t. I was incredibly afraid of failing, totally intimidated, and very nearly decided to settle for a career path that seemed easier, more manageable and less of a risk. It was one of the biggest leaps of faith I’ve taken in my life, and I’m so glad I did. You can check out the whole post here.

I hope that this part of my story can serve as encouragement to anyone who might be feeling similar to how I did, in whatever type of career you’re wanting to pursue. Those first few steps are scary, but it really DOES seem that the best things in life only come after willingness to step out in faith, and take a risk. You can choose not to do that, but you may also miss out on some of life’s greatest blessings.

Have any of you felt that way before? What helped you overcome the fear in order to take the necessary step?

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  1. You know that Zeph. 3:16-17 is my favorite, and has been since high school? “Life Verse,” if you will. Thanks for sharing. :)

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