Sometimes I get to this point in the week and freak out a little bit about all of the things I still need to accomplish before the weekend hits. Maybe I have a shoot or two that will take me away from the editing I know I need to wrap up. Maybe it just looks like there aren’t enough hours in the day. I don’t know about you, but I find that stressing and feeling overwhelmed doesn’t actually help my productivity. It usually just further distracts me from it. So I found that one way of helping me combat those anxious feelings that try to creep in was posting one of my very favorite verses (in a pretty design, of course) right above my computer. I don’t even know how many times I’ve looked up from my computer, read this verse, taken a deep breath and felt more peaceful as I continue to tackle things that need to be done. So, if you’re feeling anything like I am on this Thursday, maybe this will bring you a little bit of encouragement to keep your heart and mind focused as you assess your to-do list and accomplish things with peace of mind instead of stress.