My parents are currently on their way from Indiana, and my brother and his wife will be arriving tomorrow/Saturday. Because of work schedules, we’ll actually be celebrating with our big meal on Saturday. But, the actual day doesn’t really matter to me. I couldn’t be more excited or grateful to get to have family here in our home for our first holiday.
We’ve walked through a lot as a family since last Thanksgiving, with more than one difficult, heartbreaking loss. But if I’ve learned anything, it’s that God’s love and comfort and presence are continual, faithful, and constant. In joy, and in sorrow. In happiness, and in pain. And this Thanksgiving that’s what I’m most grateful for. That in all of the big and little things, I see His hand. Even in the sad, unfair things, I see the blessing of the joy that was once there and I’m grateful. So today, I give thanks.
I hope it’s the happiest of days for each of you, celebrating with loved ones. But even if it’s hard, even if you’re missing loved ones that were once there, I hope it’s a time of joyful reminiscing and celebrating the precious time that was allotted. May you see all of the blessing.
Happy Thanksgiving, friends.