Now that it’s legitimately winter here in Richmond, I love taking my coat into consideration when putting together an outfit. After all, if you’re out and about Christmas shopping or running errands, you’re going to have your coat on the whole time. So back when I came across this week’s inspiration photo, I loved how cute her outfit was, and how well her coat worked as an accessory to it (though it’s undoubtedly cute without the coat, too). Having fairly similar items in my wardrobe, I was able to put together a really similar look that I love.
(Inspiration photo source. All others taken by Kaytee Lauren, edited by me.)
I got this coat on sale last year from Old Navy (it was exactly what I had been looking for) and I absolutely love it. The high collar is perfect for buttoning all the way up, but it also lays nicely when I have a scarf on and leave it open. I also love that these 3 lapel pins that were my Grandma’s look perfect on it. I’m pretty sure lapel pins on coats are entirely too underrated. It’s such a fun way to always have a little accent whenever you’re leaving the house.
Coat: Old Navy, $35 | Dress: Express, $29 | Scarf: Ross, $14 | Boots: Etsy, $68 | Tights: Ross, $5 | Ring & Lapel Pins: Were my Grandma’s
Do you make it a point to have a coat you really like? Or do you just consider it a necessary evil in the cold months? Certainly they don’t have to be as intense in Virginia as other states, so I know warmth over style is sometimes necessary (but both together is ideal, of course). For me, I just love having a coat that makes me happy to add to any outfit – it just makes the frigid temperatures more bearable. :)
Happy winter-wardrobing, friends!
Love the smile, the hair, the dress, the coat, and the scarf!! I’m pretty sure you could make people want to buy just about anything you wear… ;-)
And yes! I don’t mind spending a decent amount of money on a good, warm coat that I really like, especially if it’s the kind you can keep for years.
great boots!
Love the lapel pins! I do have a cute winter coat, but I still need to get something a little more casual that still looks nice.
Haha, during a Colorado winter the puffer I-am-an-Eskimo style coats are usually what keeps you warm. I love how adorable wool coats are though!