hi, i'm tori!


I'm a self-proclaimed sentimentalist who believes in photography that evokes emotion, looks effortless, and feels real. Here on my blog, you'll find my work, my outfit inspiration, goals, and more. I'm glad you're here!


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Oh hey, I’m A Year Older


Man, a year comes and goes in no time, these days. It’s crazy to think that at this time last year, we were in the process of closing on our house. Spring is such a wonderful season, and I love getting to look back each year on my birthday to see all that God has done. To see how I’ve grown, how the previous year has shaped me into who I am today. To see the many ways I’m immensely blessed.

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One of the biggest things I’m learning right now, and I can see how God used all of last year to get me to this point, is to let go of expectations. To stop always planning for tomorrow or the next thing, stop deciding what my life will look like at any given point. While plans and dreams and hopes are good, if they become what I set my sights on, they will (and do) only rob today of it’s joy. So, as I enter into this new year and new age, I want to come into it letting go of my expectations for what my life “should” look like as a 28 year old. Whatever I thought I should have already accomplished by now, doesn’t matter. So many of the things I HAVE accomplished and have already been blessed with are things I wasn’t expecting, and that’s what proves God’s timing is always best. I want to be who I am today, in the season I’m currently living, and I want to be the best version of that person possible.

This quote from One Thousand Gifts has been echoing in my mind and heart since I read it earlier this week: Expectations kill relationship – especially with God. Without expectations, what can topple the surprising wonder of the moment? Instead of filling with expectations, the joy-filled expect nothing – and are filled.

What a powerful way to live. That’s what I want, this year. Simply that. To see every moment as filled with wonder for what it is, and through that joy, be completely filled.

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I truly have so much to be grateful for as I head into this new year, but more than anything else, I’m so aware that my life wouldn’t be what it is, that I wouldn’t be who I am, without Aaron. He continues to show me grace beyond what I deserve, and a love that’s always deepening. He surprises me in so many ways, and makes my everyday so wonderful. I don’t deserve him, but I know that walking through life is 100 times better by his side. Whatever 28 might bring my way, I’m so happy he’s here to experience it with me.

Here’s to a new year, a new age, and a new mindset of gratefulness, joy & wonder!

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  1. Treneka says:

    Happiest of Birthdays to you Tori! Thank you for the reminder in this post. God has been teaching me similarly about letting go of expectations!

  2. Natalie says:

    I feel so blessed that God brought us closer during your 27th year… you’ve made a tremendous impact on my life and I look to you as an example of what it means to be a Christian. I can’t wait to see what 28 holds for you! Xo!

  3. Rachel May says:

    Love this post and LOVE you!! Happy Birthday, Tori!!

  4. Allison says:

    Happiest of birthdays to you, Tori!!! I have so enjoyed your blog over the past couple of years, and am excited about your future adventures and beautiful moments :)

    May the Lord bless you this year with an even deeper knowledge of Himself <3

  5. Angie says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I love you. Hope your day is wonderful.

  6. […] room painted, having the BEST surprise “progressive birthday” celebration to ring in turning 28, Easter, coffee dates with some of my favorite photog friends, visiting my cousin and her cute […]

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