Many of you are probably familiar with Delight, by now. It’s a wonderful non-profit organization for girls 14-20 who are passionate about the Lord, and pursuing some type of skill/career in the creative arts field (many of which are photographers). It’s an amazing community for these girls to connect with each other, support and encourage each other, and grow in their love for Jesus and in their craft. I’ve loved getting to be part of this community to support and invest in these fantastic girls (who are all over the country!) and was extra eager to meet more of the local girls in person. So I finally had a little hangout/coffee date the other night with some local girls who were able to make it. And what would a hangout between photographers be without some impromptu photos?
Meet the ever-adorable Laura Ashley & Savannah Bee!
I love your laugh, Savannah! (Not to mention those beautiful eyes!) It’s clear you are an energetic people-person, and your joy is contagious!
Laura, you are radiant! From the inside out you just shine beauty, and I loved getting to know you more!
Such a fun time! Loved getting to know both of these girls more, and I’m so impressed with how they’re working hard and growing their businesses. Can’t wait for more hangout opportunities and to see where these ladies and their talents will go! :)