hi, i'm tori!


I'm a self-proclaimed sentimentalist who believes in photography that evokes emotion, looks effortless, and feels real. Here on my blog, you'll find my work, my outfit inspiration, goals, and more. I'm glad you're here!


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Baby Bump | Weeks 19, 20 & 21


I can’t believe it’s already been another 3 weeks since my last Baby Bump update! I’m already halfway through this pregnancy and that’s a crazy (and slightly scary!) realization. We have yet to really do anything related to registry or purchasing baby items. But, we find out gender tomorrow (!!!) so I know we’ll really get going after that. :)

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It’s literally in the last week that I feel like the bump is really taking off. Definitely filling out my maternity dresses better, now, and I think it’s finally completely obvious to passers-by that I’m pregnant. A few notable things over the past few weeks:

– Have finally begun feeling the Baby move! Can’t pin point the moment it actually happened first, but it finally got to the point where I knew it was Baby and not just digestion, or something. Hah.
– Sleeping has begun to get a little more uncomfortable, unfortunately. I knew this day would come, and it’s only been in the last week, so that’s good. Happy that I was given a Boppy Body Pillow as it’s beginning to come in handy.
– The cats don’t seem to understand why walking across my stomach isn’t ok anymore, and they still attempt it several times a day, much to my chagrin.
– I’m continuing to feel good, with minor lower back pain sometimes being an issue, and still able to eat just like normal which has been great!

Mostly, we just can’t wait to find out if it’s a boy or girl, tomorrow! (And yes, we’ll be sharing that information with you a little later in the week :)

So, any last guesses? Do you vote boy or girl?

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  1. I think boy!!!! Oh so exciting – Can’t wait to hear the news!

  2. Karen says:

    Well, since I instinctively called your sweet baby a “he” yesterday, I’m going with boy! Can’t wait to hear!!

  3. Kaila says:

    You are so freaking cute…and I say boy as well :)

  4. rebekah j. says:

    i say girl! and i vote this as the cutest maternity outfit of all time. you look amazing as always :)

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