Can’t believe this little guy’s 6th month has already come and gone! He’s changed so much and is gaining more and more skills. I love seeing his personality coming out. A few highlights from this age:
- Started rolling a lot more (hard to keep him on his play mat!)
- Likes to do a “scrunch face” smile
- Loves it when I sing to him
- Dropped both of his night-time feedings naturally!
- Loves grabbing his feet and eating his toes during diaper changes
- Babbles a ton
- Grabs toys with complete control and intention
- Doesn’t like it when I walk away from him, and makes it known
- Experience his first holiday season (photos to come!)
- Can mostly sit up on his own, but still needs stabilization help or cushioning around him
6 months has been such a fun age, and I hear it just keeps getting better! Of course, every month has been fun, but I really do find that seeing him become more of who he’s going to be is so special and rewarding.
So in-love with my blue-eyed little boy! He’s healthy, growing great, and continues to be right around the 50th percentile. Truly blessed everyday for the vibrancy he brings to my life.