In honor of Margot being over a week old now, I figured it was time to share the last installment of bump photos! I’m truly grateful that we made it all the way to full term, even though the last weeks seemed to drag on forevvvver. When you feel huge, and tired, and are chasing a toddler you’re just kind of ready for that baby to comeĀ out. Llewyn was 8 days late with an entire week of painful prodromal labor and it was so hard to anticipate how it would go a second time around. Thankfully, she came just two days after her due date, and much faster and smoother. But I’ll save that story for another post. :) For now, here’s what we looked like in those last few weeks!
How did I feel?
Up till the end I actually felt relatively great. I was super exhausted and it was getting hard to do normal things in taking care of Llewyn just because my mobility was getting less and less. But I didn’t have any pain, was still sleeping pretty well and really had no uncomfortable early labor.
Any crazy cravings at the end?
Nope! Rode out the pregnancy strong with my love for cottage cheese & applesauce, and twizzlers.
Highlights of the last weeks?
Finishing up Margot’s nursery (which I will blog soon!), doing a fun Fall festival day as one of our “last hurrahs” as a family of 3, knowing that every week and every day that passed was one closer to when we’d get to meet her. :)
Even though I felt impatient at the end, I can’t express enough that I know how fortunate and blessed I was to make it smoothly to full term, and to have a healthy baby from a completely natural labor and delivery. I’m so grateful for all of those things and don’t take them for granted! Excited to share more of Margot’s room and birth story in the near future!