I'm a self-proclaimed sentimentalist who believes in photography that evokes emotion, looks effortless, and feels real. Here on my blog, you'll find my work, my outfit inspiration, goals, and more. I'm glad you're here!
for the sentimentally inclined.
For those who know me fairly well, it’s no secret that I’m not the world’s most decisive person. It doesn’t mean I don’t have a clear vision of what I want….it just takes me a while to figure out what will accomplish that vision, sometimes. The current decision for which I’m a little stumped is […]
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It’s Wednesday, 6 days since I landed back in Richmond from a week-long excursion to Las Vegas, and I still feel like I’m “catching up” mentally from all that I learned. And, of course, when I say Las Vegas, what I really mean is WPPI (the huge wedding/portrait photography conference where 16,000+ professionals from the […]
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I can honestly not believe it’s packing day, already! I’ve watched many friends and colleagues run off to Vegas for WPPI the past three years, and always felt like I was missing out, but at the same time, if I’m being honest, was always a little bit relieved not to be going. I mean, it’s […]
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Heeey, friends! Welcome to my SHINY NEW BLOG! :) It’s been a long time coming, and a bit of a trying process getting the web-design constraints to do what we wanted, but in the end, no coding is a match for the great Jennifer Olmstead of Deleted Space Creative (the same brilliant talent behind my new […]
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