I'm a self-proclaimed sentimentalist who believes in photography that evokes emotion, looks effortless, and feels real. Here on my blog, you'll find my work, my outfit inspiration, goals, and more. I'm glad you're here!
for the sentimentally inclined.
How is it even POSSIBLE that I’m writing this post?! I’m still in awe that my little baby is already a year old. It’s been a whirlwind these past 12 months. Some really hard days, a lot of sleepless nights, health struggles, and all the caffeine. But so very much joy. A ton of laughter, […]
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It’s unbelievable that Llewyn is ALMOST A YEAR OLD (as of next Monday)! But I’m cherishing the rest of him being 11-months and excited to share his photos today! Things of note from this month: Went on his first roadtrip (9 hours) and did great! Cut his first tooth (!!!!) Finally hit 18 pounds (and […]
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Continuing with my tradition of not posting his monthly photos until he’s almost already the NEXT month’s age….hah. Excited to show off 10-month-Llewyn today! WHAT a month it’s been. Here are some of the main bullet points! Just DAYS after being over the stomach bug and finally eating again, I gave him some peanut butter […]
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My sweet, snuggly, smiley boy is already over 9 months old! And it’s been a rocky month, so far, with his first sicknesses and some concerns about his weight gain. But even in spite of that, he has been such a joy. Even in the midst of sickness, he would laugh and play and of course […]
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My goodness how time is flying! This month has been such a fun one. Some of the highlights have been: Beginning to army crawl Rocks back and forth on hands and knees Says “mama” (!!!) and working on “dada” Eats more food. The only non-pureed food he’s done well with so far is banana. But […]
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